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Professional Activity Work Function Policy

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Section 1 - Purpose

(1) This Policy describes the conditions and classification process relating to the new Professional Activity work function, created in March 2007.


(2) This Policy applies to all academic staff on a continuing or fixed term appointment.

(3) This Policy does not apply to academic staff employed in a casual capacity.

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Section 2 - Glossary

(4) Nil.

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Section 3 - Policy

Part A - Professional Activity Work Function

(5) Charles Sturt University (the University) has four work function categories for academic staff:

  1. Teaching and Research;
  2. Teaching and Professional;
  3. Research only; and
  4. Teaching only.

(6) Work functions describe the major focus of the work of an academic. They do not limit the range of academic activities that may be undertaken by the academic. Consultation on the range of activities will be undertaken during probation and performance planning and review meetings, and may vary based on employment conditions or the strategic needs of a discipline, School or Centre. The the University's strategic direction informs the balance and breadth of activities undertaken by staff.

(7) The Professional Activity work function aligns with the the University's mission to "provide distinctive educational programs for the professions that prepare students for work and citizenship".

(8) No more than 20 percent of continuing academic staff in the the University (and no more than 25 percent of academic staff in any one Faculty) may be classified as Teaching and Professional.

Part B - Parity of Status Between Work Functions

(9) The Teaching and Professional work function is equal to but different from the Teaching/Research, Research Only and Teaching Only work functions. A staff member is accountable for his/her performance in any work function.

(10) Equivalent opportunities for recognition and reward are available for all work functions, e.g. promotions and Awards for Excellence.

(11) Equivalent opportunities for professional development are available for all work functions, e.g. Special Studies Program, seeding grants for innovation and professional development, professional conferences and fellowships.

(12) Each work function has equivalent workloads, though the mix of activities will vary with the work function, discipline area and level of classification. The default teaching load for a particular classification level would be equivalent in a Teaching/Research and Teaching/Professional work function.

Part C - Classification of Work Function

(13) The Teaching and Professional work function concentrates on teaching and professional practice. Like the Teaching & Research work function, it provides a valid way for academics to maintain currency and contribute to the development of a field. The professional practice element focuses on academic work and outcomes that have a positive value to the the University in its aim to be a 'the University for the professions'.

(14) Staff classified as Teaching and Professional normally engage in a range of professional activities such as:

  1. transferring/applying new professional knowledge to members of the profession and the broader community through publications, seminars, conferences, websites, etc;
  2. professional consultancies;
  3. engagement with or in clinical environments;
  4. developing, leading and/or evaluating continuing professional education;
  5. external professional reviews;
  6. professional practice;
  7. gaining a doctorate or other advanced professional qualification;
  8. maintaining professional accreditation;
  9. research with, for and about the profession and about professional practice; and
  10. contribution to the development and improvement of policy and practice through involvement in professional/industry associations, accreditation authorities, conference organisations, advisory bodies, and national or international delegations.

(15) An academic position may be classified as Teaching and Professional where it is in the interests of the the University that the focus of his/her non-teaching related duties is professional activity.

(16) A staff member's work function is normally identified on appointment or at the initial probationary meeting with the Head of School to determine objectives and expectations.

(17) A staff member's work function may be changed at a probation review or performance review, or on request between reviews. The change may be initiated at the request of the staff member or by the Head of School. A request between reviews will generate a full review and planning meeting.

(18) Work function category decisions are normally made by consensus between the staff member and Head of School. The Head of School's recommendation is submitted to the Executive Dean for consideration and approval.

Part D - Dispute Resolution

(19) The workloads dispute mechanism in the Enterprise Agreement is used to deal with disputes concerning reclassification of a work function category.

(20) The default position until a dispute is resolved is the status quo, i.e. what work function was last approved.

Part E - Data Collection

(21) The Executive Dean is responsible for notifying the Division of Human Resources of the classification or reclassification of academic staff. This will normally occur through the appointment, probation and performance management processes.

(22) The work function is to be recorded on the Recruitment and Establishment Requisition form and/or the Recommendation for Appointment form .

(23) The Division of Human Resources records the work functions of academic staff, monitors the percentage of Teaching and Professional staff, and notifies the Deputy Vice-Chancellor (Academic) if proposed classifications or reclassifications will lift the percentage above the allowable limit.

Part F - Performance Based Funding Criteria

(24) Teaching and Professional staff are accountable for their individual performance across their teaching and professional activities through probation and performance management processes, and for the performance of their discipline/School/Centre through the the University Performance Based Funding Criteria for Teaching and Professional Activity .

Part G - Standards, Expectations and Qualifications

(25) Externally verifiable professional standing may be judged as equivalent to a Doctor of Philosophy/Professional Doctorate qualification for a Teaching and Professional position (e.g. for recruitment and promotion purposes).

(26) Professional activities are expected to contribute to the the University's strategic outcomes and be of strategic benefit to the academic's discipline/School.

(27) Information about professional activity standards is contained in the Standards, Expectations and Qualifications Policy - Academic Staff and the Assessing Academic Staff Performance Guidelines .

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Section 4 - Procedures

(28) Nil.

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Section 5 - Guidelines

(29) Nil.