(1) This document sets out Charles Sturt University's policy on the Art Collection. Furthering the Art Collection mission to serve Charles Sturt University (the University) and its regional communities through the establishment of a quality collection of twentieth century Australian art works. (2) The objectives of the Art Collection Policy are to: (3) This Policy applies to the Art Curator, and any Art Collection employees who are administratively and physically located in the CSU Regional Archives within the Office of the Pro Vice-Chancellor (Research and Graduate Training). The Art Curator reports directly to the Manager, Charles Sturt University Regional Archives & University Art Collection, who is the University Art Collection's Cost Centre Manager. (4) Nil. (5) This Policy should be read in conjunction with the Museums and Collections Policy. (6) Management of the collection and the carrying out of the functions set out in this Policy is the responsibility of the Art Curator and staff. (7) Management of the budget and the cost centre is the responsibility of the Manager, Charles Sturt University Regional Archives & University Art Collection. (8) All art works purchased by or donated to any University organisational unit shall be deemed to be the property of Charles Sturt University and subject to management by its Curatorial staff. Clear legal title is required by the University. All loans shall be made to the University and not to any individual or to any organisational unit. Loan documentation shall conform to requirements laid down in the University's Museums and Collections Policy. Curatorial staff shall be responsible for managing all art works on loan to the University. (9) Acquire works in accordance with the criteria set out in the Part D (Acquisition - Major Areas of Collecting) of this Policy so as to build on strengths within the collection, while developing a body of contemporary work that is relevant to a modern regional university. (10) Document works in the collection to a standard commensurate with other university collections of comparable size and quality. (11) Ensure that records management in the fields of policy formation, acquisition, cataloguing, and loan documentation accords with accepted museum data standards. (12) Maintain the University Art Collection asset register. (13) Implement a long term program based on accepted museum standards for the conservation, safe storage, exhibition, and transport of the collection, so as to maintain it in good order. (14) Ensure the collection is maintained in accordance with the ICOM Code of Ethics for Museums 2004, and the Conventions and Recommendations of UNESCO concerning the Protection of Cultural Heritage 1983/85. (15) Promote use of the entire collection for display, research, teaching and learning purposes. 'Display' refers to the reasonable and responsible manipulation of objects in office and public spaces as well as to exhibitions. (16) Contribute to the aesthetic appeal of the campuses for students, staff and visitors. (17) Liaise within the University, as well as with the regional, museum and media communities, to develop relationships which will contribute to building a stronger collection and making the works themselves known to these communities. (18) Prepare publications. (19) The University Art Collection may operate a merchandising enterprise to market publications, reproductions of works in the collection, etc. in accordance with University policy and procedures for business enterprises. (20) Works by prominent Australian artists (by birth or residency) active from the 1930s onwards. (21) Works by artists who have or have had some connection with the University or its regional communities. (22) Work by contemporary Australian artists with an emphasis on Australian Aboriginal work. With regards to Aboriginal work, priority should be given to works which meet the criteria set out in clause 20. (23) Portraits of persons of specific significance to the University, painted by artists whose work will strengthen and enhance the existing art collection. (24) Outdoor sculptures which will complement and enhance the differing environments of the University's campuses. (25) Works by prominent contemporary British artists (by birth or residency) active post-1960 whose work will strengthen and enhance the existing art collection. Priority will be given to artists' prints. (26) When considering the deaccessioning of an object, the University must weigh carefully the interests of the scholarly and the cultural communities, the donor's intent in the broadest sense, and the institution's own financial well being. The seriousness of such an action cannot be stressed too highly. (27) Deaccessioning and disposal are separate acts. Deaccessioning is the administrative process whereby an item is removed from a collection. Disposal, on the other hand, is the physical act of disposing of the object, the most common forms being, sale, gift, exchange, or destruction. (28) Deacessioning artworks acquired through the Department of Communications Technology and the Arts Cultural Gifts Program is not possible in compliance with Taxation Ruling TR 2000/12 . (29) Periodic reviews of the University Art Collection, its Policy and its operating procedures may be initiated by the Vice-Chancellor, acting either alone or on advice from staff responsible for the collection. (30) Such reviews will normally be conducted by the University Art Collection's curatorial staff who will as necessary seek advice from persons with relevant curatorial expertise external to the University. (31) Nil. (32) Nil.Art Collection Policy
February 2022 – This document is rescinded and has been replaced by the Collections Policy.
Section 1 - Purpose
Section 2 - Glossary
Section 3 - Policy
Part A - Responsibilities
Part B - Ownership
Part C - Functions
Part D - Acquisition - Major Areas of Collecting
Part E - Deaccessioning - Guiding Principles
Part F - Review of this Policy
Section 4 - Procedures
Section 5 - Guidelines
View Current
This is the current version of this document. You can provide feedback on this policy to the document author - refer to the Status and Details on the document's navigation bar.