(1) The Animal Care and Ethics Committee is established in accordance with the provisions of the Animal Research Act 1985 No 123 (the Act), Animal Research Regulation 2010 (the Regulation) and the Australian code for the care and use of animals for scientific purposes 8th edition (2013). (2) The Animal Care and Ethics Committee (the Committee) reports to the Deputy Vice-Chancellor (Research) and, through the Deputy Vice-Chancellor (Research) to the Audit and Risk Committee of the University Council. (3) The Animal Care and Ethics Committee is established to ensure the respectful use of animals in teaching and research and to ensure compliance with the relevant legislative instruments. (4) For the purpose of this document: (5) The membership of the Animal Care and Ethics Committee shall be: (6) A person with qualifications in veterinary science that are recognised for registration as a veterinary surgeon in Australia, and with experience relevant to the institution’s activities or the ability to acquire knowledge. (7) A suitably qualified person with substantial recent experience in the use of animals for scientific purposes relevant to the institution and the business of the Committee. This must include possession of a higher degree in research or equivalent experience. (8) If the business of the Committee relates to the use of animals for teaching only, a teacher with substantial and recent experience may be appointed. (9) A person with demonstrable commitment to, and established experience in, furthering the welfare of animals, who is not employed by or otherwise associated with the institution, and who is not involved in the care and use of animals for scientific purposes. Veterinarians with specific animal welfare interest and experience may meet the requirements of this Category. (10) While not representing an animal welfare organisation, the person should where possible be selected on the basis of active membership of, and nomination by, such an organisation. (11) A person not employed by or otherwise associated with the institution and who has never been involved in the use of animals in scientific or teaching activities, either in their employment or beyond their undergraduate education. (12) Category D members should be viewed by the wider community as bringing a completely independent view to the Committee, and must not fit the requirements of any other Category. (13) The term of appointment for members of the Committee shall be two years. (14) The two year term of the office of the Committee members shall end on 30 June of the relevant year. (15) Members are appointed by invitation from the Deputy Vice-Chancellor (Research) of Charles Sturt University following consultation with the Presiding Officer and their appointment approved by the Animal Research Review Panel. (16) Re-appointment is by invitation from the Deputy Vice-Chancellor (Research) and approval by the Animal Research Review Panel. (17) The Presiding Officer shall hold a senior position in the University and be an additional appointment to Category A to D members. (18) The Presiding Officer shall be appointed by the Deputy Vice-Chancellor (Research) of the University for a term of no more than three years. (19) The Presiding Officer shall have an understanding of the ethical and animal welfare issues involved in the use of animals for scientific purposes. It is desirable that the Presiding Officer shall also have a background in research. (20) The Deputy Presiding Officer shall be elected by the Committee at its first meeting of the new term of office. (21) The Deputy Presiding Officer will act in the role of Presiding Officer in the absence of the Presiding Officer. (22) The Committee shall appoint an Executive which shall comprise the Presiding Officer, one Category A member, one Category C member and one Category D member. (23) The Executive of the Animal Care and Ethics Committee shall be appointed by the Committee at its first meeting of the new term of office. (24) The following position holders shall have right of audience and debate at meetings of the Committee: (25) The Committee is responsible for ensuring that all activities relating to the care and use of animals for teaching and research at Charles Sturt University or involving Charles Sturt University staff or students are conducted in compliance with relevant legislation and the Code. (26) The Committee is responsible to the Deputy Vice-Chancellor (Research). The Deputy Vice-Chancellor (Research) reports to the Vice-Chancellor who has overall institutional responsibility for the care and use of animals for scientific purposes at the University. (27) The Committee is required to report annually to the NSW Department of Primary Industries on research involving animals for the previous calendar year. The Presiding Officer is required to sign parts B and C of this report (Form L). (28) The University is required to meet with the Presiding Officer of the Committee annually. (29) The Committee is required to report annually to government departments in other jurisdictions where this is a requirement for the maintenance of licensing for scientific animal use within that jurisdiction. (30) The Committee shall: (31) The Committee is required to report to the University annually on its activities and comply with the reporting requirements of the University and the Code as follows: (32) Members of the Committee shall: (33) The Presiding Officer shall: (34) The Deputy Presiding Officer will act in the role of Presiding Officer in the absence of the Presiding Officer. (35) The Executive of the Committee may approve minor modifications to projects for ratification at the next Committee meeting. (36) The Executive of the Committee may not approve new proposals. (37) The Research Integrity Unit will provide administrative and secretariat support to the Committee, and can be called upon for protocol and procedural advice. (38) A Governance Officer will be appointed to support the Committee in the administration of its business, including the following responsibilities: (39) Decisions about allocation of Committee tasks to the Governance Officer/s is the responsibility of the Manager, Research Integrity, who may seek advice from the Presiding Officer. (40) Governance Officer/s who attend Committee meetings have the right of audience and debate, particularly in (41) The Committee shall require the presence of at least one member from Categories A-D to establish a quorum. If more than four members are present, Categories C plus D must constitute not less than one third of the members present. (42) A quorum may be established through telephone or video conference links. (43) Only a quorate meeting of the Committee shall consider and approve new applications or consider the renewal of existing projects. (44) Committee meetings will be scheduled on the second Thursday of each month except January, when no meeting will be held. (45) At least one meeting each year will be scheduled face to face. (46) A schedule of meeting dates and agenda closing dates is posted on the Animal Care and Ethics website by the beginning of each academic year. (47) In exceptional circumstances, the schedule of meetings may be altered by the Presiding Officer, in consultation (48) Applications are allocated to an agenda based on their submission date and agenda closing dates. (49) If required, the Governance Officer of the Committee may, on behalf of the Presiding Officer, convene an (50) The agenda should be circulated to all members at least one week prior to the scheduled meetings (51) The minutes of the committee meeting are circulated to members within two weeks the following meeting. (52) External members may claim a meeting allowance in accordance with the Compliance Committee Policy - External Members Allowance. (53) Where a member has a perceived or material conflict of interest as described in the University’s Conflict of Interest Procedure, they must declare this to the Presiding Officer and at the Committee meeting prior to discussion to the item of business. (54) The Presiding Officer will determine if members with a conflict of interest will remain present for the discussion of the item but not participate in a decision, or if the member must withdraw from the meeting for the discussion of matters that relate to that conflict of interest. Once such members have withdrawn, the remaining members must still constitute a quorum. (55) Matters which are discussed and papers which are considered during a Committee meeting are confidential to all Committee members and those with the Right of Audience and Debate. (56) Specific papers considered during a meeting and records of specific meeting discussions may be shared by the Presiding Officer, or by the Governance Officer with the permission of the Presiding Officer, with authorised Officers of the University who can demonstrate a need to access the relevant information for the performance of their duties. (57) Variations to the terms of reference and/or membership of the Committee must be approved by the Deputy Vice-Chancellor (Research).'Animal Care and Ethics Committee' - Membership and Terms of Reference
Section 1 - Establishment
Section 2 - Glossary
Top of PageSection 3 - Membership
Category A
Category B
Category C
Category D
Term of Office
Appointment of Members
Presiding Officer and Deputy Presiding Officer
Executive of the Animal Care and Ethics Committee
Right of Audience and Debate
Top of PageSection 4 - Functions and Responsibilities
Member Responsibilities
Presiding Officer
Deputy Presiding Officer
Executive of the Animal Care and Ethics Committee
Governance and Administrative Support
relation to providing advice on procedural matters and corporate knowledge.Section 5 - Meetings
with the Governance Officer.
extraordinary meeting of the Committee to review urgent Committee business.Agendas and Minutes
Related Expenses
Conflicts of Interest
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