(1) Established in accordance with the provisions of the Animal Research Act 1985 and Animal Research Regulation 1995. (2) The membership of the Animal Care and Ethics Committee shall be: (3) A person with qualifications in veterinary science and with experience relevant to the activities of the institution. Veterinarians who lack this experience must familiarise themselves with the biology and clinical characteristics of the species of animals used. (4) A suitably qualified person with substantial recent experience in the use of animals in scientific or teaching activities. This will usually entail possession of a higher degree in research; (5) A person with demonstrable commitment to, and established experience in, furthering the welfare of animals, who is not employed by or otherwise associated with the institution, and who is not involved in the care and use of animals for scientific purposes. Veterinarians with specific animal welfare interest and experience may meet the requirements of this Category. While not representing an animal welfare organisation, the person should, where possible, be selected on the basis of active membership of, and nomination by, such an organisation. (6) A person who is both independent of the institution and who has never been involved in the use of animals in scientific or teaching activities, either in their employment or beyond their undergraduate education. Category D members should be viewed by the wider community as bringing a completely independent view to the ACEC, and must not fit the requirements of any other Category. (7) The term of appointment for members of the Animal Care and Ethics Committee shall be two years. (8) Members are appointed by invitation from the Vice-Chancellor of the University following consultation with the Presiding Officer and their appointment approved by the Animal Research Review Panel. (9) The two-year term of the office of the Committee members shall end on 30 June of the relevant year. Re-appointment is by invitation from the Vice-Chancellor and approval by the Animal Research Review Panel. (10) The Presiding Officer shall hold a senior position in the University and be an additional appointment to Category A to D members. The Presiding Officer shall be appointed by the Vice-Chancellor of the University. (11) The Presiding Officer shall have an understanding of the ethical and animal welfare issues involved in the use of animals for scientific purposes. It is desirable that the Presiding Officer shall also have a background in research. (12) The Deputy Presiding Officer shall be elected by the Committee at its first meeting of the new term of office. (13) The Committee shall appoint an executive which shall comprise the Presiding Officer, one Category A member and one Category C or D member. (14) The Executive of the Animal Care and Ethics Committee shall be appointed by the Committee at its first meeting of the new term of office. (15) The Laboratory Manager of the David Morell Laboratories shall have right of audience and debate at meetings of the Animal Care and Ethics Committee. (16) The Animal Care and Ethics Committee shall: (17) The Presiding Officer shall: (18) The Deputy Presiding Officer shall: (19) The Executive of the Animal Care and Ethics Committee may approve minor modifications to projects for review at the next Committee meeting. (20) The Executive of the Animal Care and Ethics Committee may not approve new proposals.Animal Care and Ethics Committee - Membership and Terms of Reference
Section 1 - Establishment
Section 2 - Membership
Category A
Category B
Category C
Category D
Term of Office
Presiding Officer and Deputy Presiding Officer
Executive of the Animal Care and Ethics Committee
Right of Audience and Debate
Section 3 - Terms of Reference
Presiding Officer
Deputy Presiding Officer
Executive of the Animal Care and Ethics Committee
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