(1) The membership of the Committee comprises: (2) The Presiding Officer of the Committee shall be appointed by the Deputy Vice-Chancellor (Academic) from amongst the membership of the Committee. (3) The Deputy Presiding Officer will be nominated and elected by and from the members of the Committee. (4) The term of office of nominated, appointed and elected members of the Committee shall be two years. (5) The Curriculum, Learning and Teaching Committee was established by the Academic Senate to oversee and advise the Academic Senate on curriculum and learning and teaching policy relating to undergraduate courses and postgraduate coursework programs within the University. (6) The Workplace Learning Excellence Committee is established as a sub-committee of the Curriculum, Learning and Teaching Committee. (7) The Committee shall: (8) The Committee shall conduct four ordinary meetings each year. (9) Minutes of meetings of the Workplace Learning Excellence Committee shall be submitted to the Curriculum, Learning and Teaching Committee. (10) An agenda item promoting the discussion of key sub topics of interest to members of the Workplace Learning Excellence Committee will be included as a standing agenda item in agendas for meetings. This item of business will be considered after all other matters of business have been considered at a meeting. (11) An Executive Group, comprising the Presiding Officer, Deputy Presiding Officer and Legal Officer will meet to decide urgent matters of risk that have been referred to the Workplace Learning Excellence Committee which arise between meetings of the Committee. The Executive Group shall make determinations in relation to risk issues in accordance with Workplace Learning policies approved by the Academic Senate and in accordance with the Risk Management Policy.Academic Senate - Workplace Learning Excellence Committee - Membership and Terms of Reference
Section 1 - Membership
Presiding and Deputy Presiding Officers
Terms of Office
Section 2 - Terms of Reference
Top of PageSection 3 - Miscellaneous
Workplace Learning Excellence Committee Executive Group
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