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'Indigenous Board of Studies' - Membership and Terms of Reference

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Section 1 - Establishment

(1) The Indigenous Board of Studies was established by the Academic Senate on 3 December 2008 (AS 08/156) on the recommendation of the Director, Centre for Indigenous Studies as a sub-committee of the Academic Programs Committee. The Academic Senate approved that the Indigenous Board of Studies shall be a sub-committee of the Curriculum, Learning and Teaching Committee on 9 March 2011 (AS 11/14).  Following disestablishment of the Curriculum, Learning and Teaching Committee by the Academic Senate on 21 November 2018 (AS 18/127), the Academic Senate approved that the Indigenous Board of Studies shall be a sub-committee of the University Courses Committee on 3 July 2019 (AS 19/67).


(2) Charles Sturt University (the University) has a responsibility to ensure good governance of its teaching and learning activities.  These responsibilities must align with the University’s regulatory obligations under the Higher Education Standards Framework (Threshold Standards) 2015.


(3) The purpose of the Indigenous Board of Studies is to provide advice on the inclusion of Indigenous Australian Content in undergraduate programs of the University and development of Indigenous programs.

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Section 2 - Glossary

(4) For the purpose of this document:

  1. Board – means the Indigenous Board of Studies.
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Section 3 - Membership

(5) The members of the Board shall be:

  1. Head, School of Indigenous Australian Studies (Presiding Officer);
  2. all School of Indigenous Australian Studies academic staff at Level B or above;
  3. two Indigenous Australian academic staff at Level B or above (or nominated delegate) from each of the Faculties; and
  4. Indigenous Curriculum and Pedagogy Coordinator.

(6) Right of audience and debate shall be granted to:

  1. Indigenous academics at Level A; and
  2. faculties presenting subjects to the Board (that right of attendance to present subject material to be granted to either the relevant course or subject coordinator).

(7) Administrative support is to be provided by the Administration Officer, School of Indigenous Australian Studies.

Terms of Office

(8) Nominated members of the Board shall hold office for a two-year term.

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Section 4 - Functions and Responsibilities

Member Responsibilities

(9) Members of the Board shall have responsibility for:

  1. monitoring the development and implementation of Indigenous Australian content in undergraduate programs at the University and provide advice to Faculties and IESCG; and
  2. approving subjects with Indigenous Australian Content including:
    1. Indigenous Australian Studies;
    2. Hybrid Indigenous Australian Studies; and
    3. Discipline-specific Indigenous Australian Studies,
     as defined in the Indigenous Education Strategy.
Note:  these subjects are to be approved by the Board prior to being submitted to Faculty Board and Faculty Courses Committee meetings for consideration.

Advisory Role

(10) The Board is to advise on the inclusion of Indigenous Australian content in undergraduate programs of the University and development of Indigenous programs.

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Section 5 - Meetings


(11) A quorum shall be half plus one of the full membership of the Board.


(12) The Board is to meet six times a year, and on other occasions as the need arises.

(13) In order to provide feedback and allow sufficient time for any changes, meetings are to be held at least 10 days prior to the relevant Faculty Courses Committee meetings.

Agendas and Minutes

(14) Agendas are circulated to the Board one week prior to the Board meeting.

(15) Minutes of the Board meeting are circulated to Board members following the meeting.  Minutes of the meeting are reported to the University Courses Committee.

(16) Agendas and minutes of the Board shall be published on the appropriate University webpage for the information of the Academic Senate and University generally.

Conflicts of Interest

(17) Where a member has a perceived or material conflict of interest, they must declare this to the Presiding Officer and at the Board meeting prior to discussion of the item of business.


(18) Variation to the membership and/or functions and responsibilities of the Board must be approved by the Academic Senate.