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Academic Senate - Curriculum Renewal Committee - Membership and Terms of Reference

This is not a current document. It has been repealed and is no longer in force.

Section 1 - Membership


(1) The Curriculum Renewal Committee shall comprise:

  1. Associate Deans/Sub-Deans, Learning and Teaching from each Faculty;
  2. Dean of Studies;
  3. Executive Director, Learning and Teaching Services;
  4. Director, Academic Support;
  5. One nominee of the Director, Education for Practice Institute (Dir, EPI);
  6. One nominee of the Director, Flexible Learning Institute (Dir, FLI);
  7. Director, Centre for Indigenous Studies, or nominee;
  8. One nominee of the Course Directors' Forum Leadership Group;
  9. Two members of Academic Senate, appointed by Academic Senate.

Presiding Officer

(2) The Presiding Officer shall be appointed by the members of the Committee from amongst the Associate Deans/Sub-Deans, Learning and Teaching on the Committee. The Presiding Officer shall be appointed for a period of one year.

Terms of Office

(3) Nominated and appointed members of the Committee will serve on the committee for terms of office of two years.

Committee Administration

(4) The Dean of Students shall provide secretarial support for the Committee.

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Section 2 - Terms of Reference

(5) The Curriculum, Learning and Teaching Committee (CLTC) was established by the Academic Senate to oversee and advise the Academic Senate on curriculum and learning and teaching policy relating to undergraduate courses and postgraduate coursework programs within the the University.

(6) The Curriculum Renewal Committee is established as a sub-committee of the Curriculum, Learning and Teaching Committee to provide advice to CLTC and, through it, to the Academic Senate on curriculum renewal. The Committee is specifically responsible for:

  1. the preparation of an implementation plan for the the University Degree Initiative 2012-2014 (for approval by the Academic Senate through the CLTC);
  2. the implementation of the the University Degree Initiative;
  3. the development, monitoring and communication of the University Degree Principles and Good Practice Guidelines and for recommending, to Academic Senate thorough CLTC, new and revised the University Degree Principles and Good Practice Guidelines to be adopted, and as appropriate;
  4. the coordination of curriculum renewal initiatives into an effective package, through consultation, including with the Course Directors' Forum;
  5. providing advice to Faculties and Faculty Courses Committee in relation to the development and implementation of curriculum renewal principles;
  6. recommending to the Division of Learning and Teaching Services, appropriate professional development activities to support the implementation of the the University Degree;
  7. considering matters relating to curriculum renewal that are referred to it by Academic Senate and the Curriculum, Learning and Teaching Committee.
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Section 3 - Miscellaneous


(7) The Curriculum Renewal Committee shall conduct four ordinary meetings each year.


(8) Minutes of meetings of the Curriculum Renewal Committee shall be included in the agenda for the CLTC.