(1) Charles Sturt University (the University) aims to attract and retain high quality staff, and encourage continual professional development of staff. Professional development activity is planned and delivered within the University Continual Professional Development Framework . (2) The purpose of these Guidelines is to provide an overview of the various activities and support that is available at the University for staff. (3) These Guidelines apply to all staff who work at Charles Sturt University, regardless of whether they are continuing, fixed term, probationary, casual, honorary, visiting or adjunct staff. (4) Each listed professional development program or scheme has its own criteria which may exclude certain categories of staff. (5) Nil. (6) Nil. (7) Nil. (8) The principles of continual professional development are: (9) The University is committed to ensuring there are systems to support planning, delivery, management and review of professional development activity to create alignment with strategic objectives. (10) The Performance Management and Development Scheme is an ongoing process which supports staff members to focus their work activities to achieve successful performance. In this scheme staff have access to appropriate development opportunities which have been negotiated with and approved by their supervisor to improve their capability for performance. (11) Full-time or part-time Charles Sturt University staff who are on continuing or fixed term appointments of at least six months' duration will be granted admission to a part-time online learning or on-campus Charles Sturt University course if they meet the admission requirements. These staff members may be in addition to the course quota. (12) Refer to the Academic Regulations. (13) Scholarships are available for undergraduate and post-graduate Charles Sturt University courses. (14) Details about these scholarships are available from the Browse All CSU Scholarships webpage. (15) If requested by the staff member, the Division of Financial Services at the University can provide a no-interest loan for payment of course fees. This facility enables staff members to pay back their course fees in pre-determined instalments via fortnightly salary deductions over the duration of the academic session. (16) These details are specified on the "Fee Support Form", available from the Accounts Receivable Department in the Division of Finance. (17) All continuing staff and staff on fixed term appointments of more than two years are eligible to receive a portion of their salary as pre-tax benefits to pay for work-related self-education expenses for full fee-paying courses and membership of professional associations. Salary packaging is administered by the Division of Finance. (18) Details of this scheme are located on the University's Salary Packaging web pages. (19) The Secondment Policy provides general and academic staff members who have successfully completed probation in a continuing or fixed term appointment with the opportunity to be appointed to another Charles Sturt University position on a temporary basis for a fixed term of three months to two years. The seconded retains the right of return to his/her substantive position at the conclusion of the secondment. (20) The University has developed a range of mentoring programs to provide professional development support for academic and general staff in the initial stages of their career, during leadership programs, and at several key career points to assist in enhancing their skills and knowledge related to their work and for their future career development. (21) Refer to the Mentoring Guidelines. (22) The Graduate Certificate in the University Leadership and Management is designed for existing leaders and managers who are keen to develop further their leadership skills and knowledge in order to increase their participation and/or effectiveness in positions of leadership and in the University decision making processes. It is available on a part-time basis and as part of the University's commitment to the professional development of its staff, there are no tuition fees associated with this program. (23) The guidelines for this course are available on the web. (24) This Program aims to increase the participation and/or effectiveness of women in positions of leadership and in the University decision-making processes by developing further their leadership skills and knowledge. The Program runs over a period of nine months and involves information sessions, workshops, mentoring and peer learning. (25) Details of this program are located at the Leadership Development for Women Program webpage. (26) Annually the University awards up to 96 awards which recognise excellence in individual staff members and teams who have made outstanding contributions in the performance of their duties, or who have contributed to the success of other members of the University community. These include Faculty and Division Awards and the Vice-Chancellor's Awards for Excellence. Funding is provided to support further professional development activity for award recipients. (27) Details of these awards are located on the Awards and Schemes for Charles Sturt University Staff webpage. (28) This scheme enables general staff to gain professional experience in external organisations within or outside Australia for up to three months. This experience includes, but is not limited to, activities such as a work placement, project, practicum or work-related research. A travel grant to cover substantiated expenses associated with the professional experience activity may be applied for. (29) Details of the Professional Experience Scheme are located in the Professional Experience Scheme Policy - General Staff . (30) This scheme provides study time to enable general staff who have completed at least 12 months of service at the University to pursue part-time study in a post-secondary or tertiary course that is relevant to the staff member's current position or a potential future position at the University. (31) Details of the Study Time Scheme are located in the Study Leave Policy . (32) This scheme supports general staff who have completed at least 12 months of service at the University to further their professional development by enrolling in a full fee-paying, postgraduate Charles Sturt University course with the assistance of a 25% rebate off the course fee. To meet the requirements for exemption from fringe benefits tax, the course must relate directly to their current employment. (33) Details of this scheme are located in the Postgraduate Support Scheme for General Staff . (34) When academic staff are first appointed (in the teaching-research or teaching-professional classifications), they enter a formal induction into the principles and practices of learning and teaching at the University. The first stage of this induction is a program called Foundations of the University Learning and Teaching . On completion of FULT staff enrol in the Graduate Certificate in the University Learning and Teaching (GCULT). To meet probation requirements they must complete FULT and the first subject of the program, EEL409 the University Learning and Teaching . They may then complete the rest of the program at no cost to themselves. (35) Details of these programs are located on the Academic Professional Development webpage. (36) This program is designed to give academic staff the opportunity to undertake research/ creative and professional activity or the scholarship of teaching in areas of identified strategic importance to the University and to the professional development of the member of staff, which cannot normally be undertaken within the staff member's duties. (37) SSP may be undertaken in Australia or overseas for a period of up to 26 weeks and applicants may apply for a travel grant to cover substantiated costs associated with undertaking the program may be applied for. (38) Details of this program are located in the Special Studies Program Policy for Academic Staff. (39) This Coursework Masters Support Scheme supports academic staff (Levels A and B) who have a continuing appointment to obtain a Masters degree in a field that relates directly to their current position and to build the workforce profile at the University. Study must be undertaken at the University and support consists of zero fees for a maximum of four part-time sessions. After this period, staff members will be responsible for fees and costs. (40) Details of this scheme are located in the Coursework Masters Support Scheme Policy - Academic Staff. (41) The University has established the Scholarship in Teaching Fund to support and enhance learning and teaching. It includes the development and evaluation of new approaches to teaching, critical discourse about learning and teaching, and analyses of professional and institutional cultures and frameworks as they bear on learning and teaching. (42) Grants from the fund of up to $10,000 are available per project to undertake scholarly projects related to the University learning and teaching. (43) The guidelines are located on the Research and Scholarship webpage. (44) The purpose of academic staff promotions is to recognise the achievements and professional development of academic staff and their demonstrated capacity to contribute to the mission of the University by undertaking duties at a higher level than their current appointment. (45) Refer to the Academic Promotion Policy for more information. (46) Academic staff who are employed by Charles Sturt University on a continuing or fixed term basis may not enrol in a Charles Sturt University course or subject if it conflicts with their official accountabilities and duties. (47) Refer to the Admissions Policy for further information. (48) Details of eligibility for funding schemes that are administered by the Office of Research Services and Graduate Studies are located on the Funding Opportunities webpage. (49) These include:Staff Professional Development Support Guidelines
Section 1 - Purpose
Section 2 - Glossary
Section 3 - Policy
Section 4 - Procedures
Section 5 - Guidelines
Part A - Principles
Part B - Responsibilities
Part C - Support and Policies Relating to Professional Development of All Staff
Performance Management and Development Scheme
Admission of Staff to Charles Sturt University Courses (D19)
Charles Sturt University Scholarships
Fee Support
Salary Packaging
Graduate Certificate in the University Leadership and Management
Leadership Development for Women Program
Charles Sturt University Awards
Part D - Support and Policies Relating to Professional Development of General Staff Only
Professional Experience Scheme for General Staff
Study Time Scheme for General Staff
Postgraduate Study Support Scheme for General Staff
Part E - Support and Policies Relating to Professional Development of Academic Staff Only
Induction into Learning and Teaching at Charles Sturt University
Special Studies Program
Coursework Masters Support Scheme
Scholarship in Teaching Fund
Academic Staff Promotion Policy
Restriction on the Enrolment of Academic Staff in Charles Sturt University Courses and Subjects
Part F - Support and Policies for Professional Development of Academic Staff in Relation to Research
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