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Indigenous Staff Study Support Scheme Guidelines

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Section 1 - Purpose

(1) The Indigenous Staff Study Support Scheme aims to encourage and support the ongoing career development of both academic and general Indigenous staff through providing financial assistance to those who would like to undertake part time study while working for Charles Sturt University (the University).


(2) These Guidelines apply to staff members of Indigenous Australian descent.

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Section 2 - Glossary

(3) Nil.

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Section 3 - Policy

(4) Nil.

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Section 4 - Procedures

(5) Nil.

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Section 5 - Guidelines

What the Scheme Covers

(6) The Scheme will provide financial support to cover costs associated with study for a qualification or module/s from certificate qualifications where relevant to work - for example, fees (with the exception of Higher Education Contribution Scheme fees - see Staff Professional Development Support Guidelines for support for Higher Education Contribution Scheme courses, such as fee support and salary packaging), tutoring assistance, books, computers and other negotiated expenses.

(7) Qualifications include Certificate IV, Diplomas, Associate Degrees, Undergraduate Degrees, Honour Degrees and Coursework Master Degrees.

(8) Applicants studying through another university, who are eligible for Away From Base Funding, will not be able to access funds for the same purpose through this scheme. (For example, if Away from Base funding is used for transport to residential schools, this scheme cannot be used for the same expense. However, it can still be used for other expenses not covered by Away from Base funding.


(9) An applicant must be recorded on the human resource information system (Alesco) as fulfilling the following criteria:

  1. Indigenous Australian descent; and
  2. have passed their probationary period OR have at least one year of service with the University.

(10) Eligibility to participate in the Indigenous Staff Study Support Scheme is subject to satisfactory performance as follows:

  1. for staff on probation, fulfilment of requirements for the most recent probation review; or
  2. for staff in confirmed appointments, satisfactorily meeting performance requirements as determined through the Employee Development and Review Scheme.

Conditions for Continued Financial Support

(11) For proof of satisfactory progress, applicants for continuing support must provide their supervisor and the Indigenous Employment Coordinator (IEC) with a copy of their most recent transcript.

Amount of Funding Available

(12) Up to $500 may be granted per semester, with applications considered on a case by case basis. The Indigenous Employment Coordinator (IEC) may contact the applicant or their supervisor to discuss financial support.

How to Apply for Funding

(13) Applicants must complete the Indigenous Staff Study Support Scheme Application Form and attach proof of enrolment, e.g., letter of offer or enrolment form.

(14) Applicants should provide reasons for seeking the support requested and have their application supported by their supervisor.

(15) For all financial support requests, applicants must supply documentary evidence (invoice or receipt).

(16) Applicants studying through another institution with access to Away from Base funds must sign a Statutory Declaration, stating that they are not using Away form Base funds and Indigenous Staff Study Support Scheme funds for the same purpose.

(17) General staff should apply for Study Leave at the same time, if they are not already using it for other training. This must also be approved by their Supervisor. (In this instance, staff should submit both forms to the Indigenous Employment Coordinator (IEC).)

(18) Academic staff should discuss with their Supervisor an appropriate workload rearrangement to provide time release, as part of the Employee Development and Review Scheme.

(19) Applications should be forwarded to the Indigenous Employment Coordinator (IEC).