Status and Details
Disability and Work or Study Adjustment Policy
Status | Historic |
Effective Date | 22nd May 2014 |
Review Date | 28th August 2017 |
Approval Authority | Executive Director, Human Resources |
Approval Date | 13th April 2014 |
Expiry Date | 7th November 2022 |
Unit Head | Maria Crisante
Executive Director, People and Culture |
Author | Sarah McCormick
Enquiries Contact | Division of People and Culture +61 2 63384884 |
Summary of Changes from Previous Version
The Unit Head field has been updated from the Director, Workplace Relations and Policy to the Director, Culture Capability and Wellbeing, to align with current structure.
This is the first version of this document to be published in the CSU Policy Library. For all intents and purposes, this version is reflective of the existing version that was published in the relevant manual (academic or administration) at the time the CSU Policy Library was launched. The document has been subjected to reformatting, including the application of a new numbering system and title.
The following information details the history of changes to the document prior to its publication via the CSU Policy Library:
Title - added the words “for Staff Members with a Disability”.
4.5 - “Rehabilitation Policy” amended to “Return To Work Program Policy”.
5.1.1 & 5.1.2 - removed references to specific HR officers and replaced with HR representative.
5.2 removed.
Throughout document replaced HR officer with HR representative.
7.2 - replaced “HR officer(s) involved in the adjustment process” with “relevant HR staff members”.
7.3, 8.1 & 8.2 - removed reference to the HR officer.
8.3 - included reference to the “Reimbursement for Costs of Workplace Adjustment form”, clarified documentation included on file and changed role of HR representative to endorsing rather than processing requests for reimbursement.
8.4 & 9.1b - University Properties changed to Facilities Management.
8.5 - changed process of examining concerns of reasonableness (from Executive Director of HR to Manager, Diversity & Equity in the first instance).
9.1 (a) - amended to provide for a claim to be endorsed by the Division of Human Resources.
10.1 - amended to provide for the HR representative to “organise” follow-up, rather than necessarily undertaking it.
10.2 removed.
10.3 (now 10.2) - amended to replace reference to “other members of the Workplace Adjustment Team” with “relevant parties”.
11.1 amended to refer to CSU Complaints Policy and Procedure for dealing with Workplace Complaints in place of Grievance Procedures.
11.2 - amended to change of title HREOC to Australian Human Rights Commission.