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(1) This procedure supports the Professional Development Policy by setting out the conditions and principles for the centrally coordinated professional development schemes targeted to Charles Sturt University's First Nations employees, specifically the: (2) This procedure applies to University employees who identify as First Nations Australians, but refer to the eligibility statement for each scheme for further details. (3) First Nations employees may also apply for the study schemes set out in the: (4) See the Professional Development Policy. (5) The First Nations staff study support scheme will provide financial support of up to $500 per session. This may be used to cover costs associated with study for a qualification (or module/s from qualifications) or employment-related skills relevant to their role and, by negotiation with their line manager, skills that will support the individual to apply for other career opportunities within the University. This may include fees (with the exception of Higher Education Contribution Scheme fees), tutoring assistance, books and other negotiated expenses. (6) The scheme aims to encourage and support the ongoing career development of both academic and professional First Nations employees through providing financial assistance to those who would like to undertake part-time study while working for the University. (7) An applicant must be recorded on the human resource information system as fulfilling the following criteria: (8) Eligibility to participate in the First Nations staff study support scheme is subject to satisfactory performance as follows: (9) Qualifications include certificate IV, diplomas, associate degrees, undergraduate degrees, honour degrees and coursework master’s degrees, or subjects/modules from these qualifications, including micro-credentials and short courses which improve employment skills. (10) Applicants studying through another university, who are eligible for Away from Base funding, will not be able to access funds for the same purpose through this scheme. (For example, if Away from Base funding is used for transport to intensive schools, this scheme cannot be used for the same expense.) However, it can still be used for other expenses not covered by Away from Base funding. (11) Applicants must complete the First Nations staff study support scheme application form and: (12) Applicants studying through another institution with access to Away from Base funds must sign a statutory declaration stating that they are not using Away from Base funds and First Nations staff study support scheme funds for the same purpose. (13) Professional employees can also apply for study leave if they are not already using it for other training (study leave is a separate process and may vary to this scheme as to what type of study is approved). This must be approved by their supervisor. (14) Academic employees should discuss with their supervisor an appropriate workload rearrangement to provide time release, as part of the PPDR. (15) Applications should be forwarded to the First Nations Employment Coordinator. (16) Applications for funding are considered on a case by case basis. The First Nations Employment Coordinator may contact the applicant or their supervisor to discuss financial support. (17) For proof of satisfactory progress, applicants for continuing support must provide their supervisor and the First Nations Employment Coordinator with a copy of their most recent transcript. (18) The First Nations academic staff leadership development scheme is intended to provide financial support to First Nations academic employees to undertake a professional activity that will foster development of leadership skills. (19) Up to $2,000 may be granted to any one applicant per annum. (20) Funding will cover expenses associated with fees, travel, accommodation and/or meals. (21) An applicant must be recorded on the human resource information system as fulfilling the following criteria: (22) Eligibility to participate in the First Nations academic staff leadership development scheme is subject to satisfactory performance as follows: (23) An applicant must make a case demonstrating how the activity for which funding is sought will support their leadership development. Such an activity may include, but is not limited to, attending an external leadership development program, visits to other relevant organisations, or mentoring/coaching by internal or external facilitators. (24) Applicants must demonstrate how the proposed activity will support the development of their leadership capability and how it will assist them to contribute to the achievement of the strategic objectives of the organisational unit or University. (25) A First Nations academic staff leadership development scheme application form should be completed, including a detailed budget of anticipated expenses, with any supporting documentation attached. (26) Applicants must have the support of their Head of School, Centre Director or Executive Dean. (27) Applications should be forwarded to the First Nations Employment Coordinator. (28) Within one month of completion of the activity, the staff member must prepare a statement of expenditure that reconciles with the funding received and submit it (with receipts or tax invoices) to the First Nations Employment Coordinator.Professional Development Procedure - First Nations Employee Schemes
Section 1 - Purpose
Top of PageSection 2 - Policy
Section 3 - Procedures
Part A - First Nations staff study support scheme
Scheme details
Approved courses of study
Part B - First Nations academic staff leadership development scheme
Scheme details
Approved courses of study
Section 4 - Guidelines
Top of PageSection 5 - Glossary