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(1) This procedure supports the Professional Development Policy by setting out the conditions and principles for centrally coordinated professional development schemes targeted to Charles Sturt University's academic employees, specifically the: (2) This procedure applies to all academic employees of Charles Sturt University with continuing or fixed-term appointments, subject to the eligibility requirements for the individual scheme. (3) The First Nations staff study support scheme and First Nations academic staff leadership development scheme are also available to First Nations Australian academic employees (see the Professional Development Procedure - First Nations Employee Schemes). (4) See the Professional Development Policy. (5) The coursework masters support scheme assists academic employees to obtain a master’s degree. The scheme is designed to support the continuing professional development of academic employees in order to assist the University to attain its goals. (6) Faculties and participating divisions or organisational units will pay the tuition fees for a maximum of 64 credit points of subjects towards a full-fee paying Charles Sturt University coursework master’s course. The academic employee will be responsible for the remaining subject tuition fees and other course costs. (7) The coursework masters support scheme is open to academic employees of Charles Sturt University who: (8) An academic employee who already holds a postgraduate qualification is eligible to apply for this scheme if they meet the criteria and are undertaking further postgraduate study in a field that relates directly to their current position. (9) Coursework master’s support may be approved for Charles Sturt University master’s courses, where the course can be demonstrated to relate directly to the employee’s current position within the University. (10) The scheme does not provide support for: (11) Applications for the coursework master’s support scheme must: (12) The approval process for an application requires: (13) Copies of the application and approvals must be kept by the faculty/division and the Organisational Development Office of the Division of People and Culture. (14) If the application is not approved, the Executive Dean/Pro Vice-Chancellor will: (15) To continue receiving support for coursework master’s fees the employee must complete the coursework masters support scheme renewal form and submit it no later than four weeks before the start of the next academic session. (16) A manager may determine that an academic employee is making unsatisfactory progress in the coursework masters. If so, the manager and Executive Dean/Pro Vice-Chancellor will interview the employee and provide a written recommendation to the Provost and Deputy Vice-Chancellor (Academic), who will determine whether the support is to be discontinued. (17) If support is discontinued: (18) Approval of financial support will remain in force while the employee is enrolled in the course until the 64 credit point allocation is exhausted, unless the employee becomes ineligible to receive support (e.g. leaves the University or transfers to another course) or the support is cancelled. (19) Employees must provide a copy of their results to their manager and report on their academic progress and professional development outcomes at probationary or PPDR meetings. (20) If an employee takes leave of absence or withdraws from the course or a subject, they must notify in writing their manager, Executive Dean/Pro Vice-Chancellor and the Executive Director, People and Culture. If applicable, the manager and Executive Dean/Pro Vice-Chancellor will make a recommendation regarding the employee's ongoing eligibility for the scheme. (21) The special studies program provides academic employees with an opportunity to undertake approved professional, scholarly or research activity uninterrupted by teaching or other normal duties. (22) The special studies program allows academic employees to be released from their teaching or other normal duties and, in some instances, to access financial support for travel. (23) To be eligible to apply for a special studies program, the academic employee must: (24) Applications from academic employees who do not meet the criteria at clause 23b or d may be accepted in exceptional circumstances, as determined by the Executive Dean/Pro Vice-Chancellor (e.g. where their confirmation of appointment has been approved earlier than the standard probation period, or the study program is of particular value to the organisational unit or the University. (25) Eligible study program activities may be: (26) Study program activities will generally not be approved if the dominant purpose is to enable the applicant to visit a number of tertiary institutions for briefings about their specialisation or attend a conference/congress, including as an office-bearer or invited speaker. (27) The Division of People and Culture will call for applications for the special studies program for the following calendar year. (28) Applicants must discuss the application with their manager and the application must include an assessment by the manager that states: (29) Completed application forms are to be submitted to the manager and then forwarded to the relevant Executive Dean/Pro Vice-Chancellor by the closing date. (30) Applications for the special studies program will be considered by a Special Studies Program Committee convened by the Executive Dean/Pro Vice-Chancellor consisting of: (31) The Special Studies Program Committee will consider: (32) The Executive Dean/Pro Vice-Chancellor will make the final approvals on the recommendation of the Special Studies Program Committee, and will: (33) At least two months prior to the proposed start of the study program, the successful applicant must submit: (34) Any subsequent changes to the approved application must have additional approval from the Executive Dean/Pro Vice-Chancellor. (35) The number of applications approved each year is at the discretion of the faculty/division, and will be dependent on: (36) Normally, no more than one application per discipline will be granted in a teaching session. (37) The maximum period for a special studies program is one teaching session. (38) The period of leave may be negotiated by the academic employee and the school/organisational unit, under the condition that: (39) Study program activities may be undertaken in Australia or overseas, subject to the Travel Policy and relevant travel advice. (40) A travel grant may be approved for the sole purpose of supporting the personal and professional costs of the academic employee over the special study program period, predominantly for travel and the costs of associated activities. In exceptional circumstances, application can be made for additional expenses. Approval is at the discretion of the Executive Dean/Pro Vice-Chancellor. (41) The following conditions apply to academic employees on the special studies program: (42) The following conditions apply to financial support/travel grants: (43) If an academic employee decides to cancel the approved special studies program activity, their manager, Executive Dean/Pro Vice-Chancellor and Travel and Expense should be notified by the employee as soon as possible. (44) The Provost and Deputy Vice-Chancellor (Academic) is responsible for: (45) The Executive Dean/Pro Vice-Chancellor is responsible for: (46) The Executive Director, People and Culture is responsible for developing, reviewing and overseeing the processes and forms for the schemes under this procedure. (47) The Division of People and Culture is responsible for entering the period spent on the special studies program into the individual’s record on the Ascender database. (48) The Special Studies Program Committees are responsible for making recommendations to the Executive Dean/Pro Vice-Chancellor regarding applications to participate in special studies program, and: (50) For the purpose of this procedure:Professional Development Procedure - Academic Employee Schemes
Section 1 - Purpose
Top of PageSection 2 - Policy
Section 3 - Procedure
Part A - Coursework masters support scheme
Scheme details
Approved courses of study
Applications for coursework master’s support
Renewal of support
Cancellation of support
Part B - Special studies program
Scheme details
Approved courses of study
Applications for special studies program
Use of special studies program entitlements
Part C - Responsibilities
Top of PageSection 4 - Guidelines
Top of PageSection 5 - Glossary