Document Feedback - Review and Comment
Step 1 of 4: Comment on Document
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DO NOT exit from the interface until you have completed all three stages of the submission process.
(1) This procedure supports the Information Technology Policy and provides the regulations for which Charles Sturt University (the University) permits the use of its network infrastructure for the delivery of communication services. (2) See the Information Technology Policy. (3) Other than as provided in clause 6 and 7, the University identifies the following as authorised users and thus permits access to CSUNet and to AARNet for or in connection with research, educational or administrative functions of the University. (4) Access may be provided to: (5) Access may also be granted for: (6) The University permits non-University authorised users to access its network infrastructure provided that non-University authorised users: (7) The University must not provide AARNet access to any individual, group or organisation where that access is for purposes that: (8) Specifically, unless provided for in clauses 4-6, or otherwise incidental or casual to dealings with the University, access to AARNet must not be provided in an ongoing manner to: (9) Transit of traffic within the University's network infrastructure that does not otherwise comply with this procedure is allowed under the exemption from carrier and carriage service obligations. Such traffic destined for the wider Internet must be channelled to a carriage service provider through a connection within the campus boundary. This concession under the exemption is intended to facilitate the provision of services on campus while ensuring that traffic that does not otherwise conform to this procedure is redirected before leaving the campus. (10) Staff and students of the University may access the international, national and AARNet backbone services remotely by any one or more of the following: (11) The telecommunications services provided to AARNet Pty Ltd (APL) by APL's internet access and backbone network supplier must be used by AARNet members for access to AARNet permitted under this procedure. The services encompass access to the international and national Internet and interconnection of Regional Network Organisation hub sites. (12) For access allowed under this procedure, services equivalent in functionality to the supplier's services must not be acquired from another provider unless the supplier is unwilling or unable to provide that service on the basis agreed with APL. (13) The supplier also offers newsfeed and DNS forwarding services and may offer a multicast service. Services such as newsfeeds and multicast sourced from another provider must not transit the gateway between AARNet and the domestic internet. (14) The University must maintain a list of non-members to whom it provides CSUNet access. This information must be made available for review by APL on request. (15) All CSUNet access that the University provides to authorised users must comply with the carrier and carriage service obligations of the Telecommunications Act 1997 (Cth) (Act). (16) Access that contravenes any provision of the exemptions from carrier and carriage service obligations of the Act granted to Australian Vice-Chancellors Committee member institutions must not: (18) This procedure uses terms defined in the Information Technology Policy.Information Technology Procedure - CSUNet Access
Section 1 - Purpose
Section 2 - Policy
Top of PageSection 3 - Procedure
Access to CSUNet by non-University authorised users
Restrictions on provision of access to AARNet by the University
Non-compliant intra-campus traffic
Remote access
Exclusive use of AARNet Pty Ltd (APL) supplier’s telecommunication services
Register of non-members
Obligations under the Telecommunications Act
Top of PageSection 4 - Guidelines
Top of PageSection 5 - Glossary