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(1) Charles Sturt University (the University) recognises the importance of remuneration that links pay to performance and is aligned with the higher education sector and broader market in attracting and retaining highly skilled and effective executive and senior leaders. This policy sets out the University’s remuneration scheme and appointment process for senior, executive and senior executive leaders. (2) This policy applies to all positions classified as senior, executive or senior executive leaders (leaders) and all staff appointed on senior, executive or senior executive leader contracts. (3) For the purposes of this policy, the following definitions apply: (4) The leadership classifications used by the University are described in the following table. This table should reflect the definitions and delegation bands stated in the Delegations and Authorisations Policy. Where there is any inconsistency between that policy and this clause, the Delegations and Authorisations Policy will overrule this policy. (5) The University offers leaders flexible, performance-based remuneration above the maximum applicable enterprise agreement rates, to reflect practices in the general marketplace and promote linkages between strategic planning, performance management and remuneration. (6) The objectives of the performance-based remuneration scheme are to: (7) The University aims to link remuneration levels for its leaders to the median point of the general market, subject to the ongoing achievement of the University's performance objectives and financial performance of the University. (8) The benefits of the remuneration model are that it: (9) The University Council determines the remuneration level for all leadership classifications, acting on the advice of the Nomination and Remuneration Committee and the Vice-Chancellor. (10) Remuneration levels will be reviewed annually, and adjusted where appropriate, by the Nomination and Remuneration Committee acting on the advice of the Vice-Chancellor. Reviews and adjustments will consider remuneration movements in both the higher education sector and the general market, and the University's performance and capacity to pay. These adjustments are normally effective from 1 July each year. (11) The remuneration arrangements and increases under the University's enterprise agreements do not apply to leadership positions covered by this policy. (12) The starting remuneration, and progression within the remuneration level, will be approved in accordance with Delegation Schedule B - People and Culture, or for the remuneration progression of senior-executive leaders, approved by Council on the recommendation of the Nomination and Remuneration Committee. (13) The classification and corresponding remuneration level ascribed to each position is based on work value principles, which take into account the accountabilities and responsibilities of a position. (14) New positions, or significant changes to existing positions, should be independently and externally classified to ensure relativities across positions. (15) The remuneration level for each classification includes a minimum and maximum step, where the minimum step is normally 20% less than the maximum step. An employee’s remuneration package will be within the remuneration level for their classification. (16) New leadership appointments will normally commence at the minimum or lower range of the remuneration level for their classification, subject to approval as set out in Delegation Schedule B - People and Culture and the Executive Remuneration and Appointment Procedure. (17) Progress through the remuneration level is subject to the employee’s performance and achievements against annual performance agreements. Through the annual performance review process, the employee's remuneration package will normally progress upwards through the remuneration level towards the maximum step each year. See the Executive Remuneration and Appointment Procedure for more information regarding progression and performance review. (18) Remuneration above the maximum step of a remuneration level is only possible through one of the following mechanisms: (19) The remuneration package for all leadership classifications consists of: (20) Other payments, such as personal allowances or performance bonuses (and where applicable, the employer contributions to superannuation related to these) are paid in addition to the remuneration package. (21) See the Executive Remuneration and Appointment Procedure for information about superannuation. (22) Appointments are made in accordance with Delegation Schedule B - People and Culture, the Appointments Policy and Appointments Procedure – Recruitment and Selection. (23) Appointees to leadership positions are appointed on a fixed-term basis for periods of up to five years, under terms and conditions specified in a contract of employment. (24) The Vice-Chancellor will inform the Nomination and Remuneration Committee of any appointments to executive leadership positions (SNR1-3). (25) Unless determined otherwise, new leaders employed on a fixed-term appointment of three years or longer will serve a probationary period of 12 months. (26) Delegation Schedule B - People and Culture sets out who may waive or shorten a period of probation, having regard to the individual’s prior service, qualifications and experience. (27) A leader’s appointment may be renewed by mutual agreement. Renewal is subject to the leader meeting the requirements of their appointment, including those relating to any specified probationary period and annual performance management reviews undertaken in accordance with the Executive Remuneration and Appointment Procedure. (28) Refer to the Executive Remuneration and Appointment Procedure. (29) Refer to Motor Vehicles Guidelines - Executive Managers.Executive Remuneration and Appointment Policy
Section 1 - Purpose
Section 2 - Glossary
Top of PageSection 3 - Policy
Part A - Senior, executive and senior executive leadership classifications
Position Group
Classification level
Included positions (indicative only)
Senior leader
Directors, Heads of School, etc.
Executive leader
Pro Vice-Chancellors, Executive Deans, Executive Directors, University Secretary, etc.
Senior executive leader
By position
Part B - Remuneration model
Determination and approval of remuneration levels
Progression within the remuneration level
Structure of individual remuneration packages
Part C - Appointments to leadership positions
Duration of appointment
Renewal of appointment
Section 4 - Procedures
Section 5 - Guidelines