
Document Feedback - Review and Comment

Step 1 of 4: Comment on Document

How to make a comment?

1. Use this Protected Document to open a comment box for your chosen Section, Part, Heading or clause.

2. Type your feedback into the comments box and then click "save comment" button located in the lower-right of the comment box.

3. Do not open more than one comment box at the same time.

4. When you have finished making comments proceed to the next stage by clicking on the "Continue to Step 2" button at the very bottom of this page.


Important Information

During the comment process you are connected to a database. Like internet banking, the session that connects you to the database may time-out due to inactivity. If you do not have JavaScript running you will recieve a message to advise you of the length of time before the time-out. If you have JavaScript enabled, the time-out is lengthy and should not cause difficulty, however you should note the following tips to avoid losing your comments or corrupting your entries:

  1. DO NOT jump between web pages/applications while logging comments.

  2. DO NOT log comments for more than one document at a time. Complete and submit all comments for one document before commenting on another.

  3. DO NOT leave your submission half way through. If you need to take a break, submit your current set of comments. The system will email you a copy of your comments so you can identify where you were up to and add to them later.

  4. DO NOT exit from the interface until you have completed all three stages of the submission process.


Attendance at Work Policy

Section 1 - Purpose

(1) Charles Sturt University (the University) recognises the need to balance flexible working arrangements with the development and maintenance of a strong collaborative culture on campus and across all University activities. This policy sets out the University's expectations in relation to staff attendance at work for all fixed term and continuing employees.


(2) This policy does not apply to staff whose terms and conditions of employment include a remote worksite which is detailed in an offer of employment. These staff should refer to the Employment Conditions Procedure - Workplace Attendance for full details.

(3) In the event that a national or state emergency is declared or where government advice is issued for a localised incident or emergency, the University will review government advice and implement appropriate measures to reduce the risk to staff.

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Section 2 - Glossary

(4) Nil.

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Section 3 - Policy

(5) There are a number of principles that guide decisions about staff members' attendance at work:

  1. Students are vital to the University's ongoing success and a student-centred approach is required to ensure the continued strength of the institution.
  2. The University seeks to foster a collaborative approach to work, in which all staff members contribute to the life and responsibilities of a faculty, school, division, section, centre or office. Staff members are expected to participate fully in the collegial activities of their area, which includes the equitable sharing of campus-based responsibilities.
  3. The University seeks to optimise the use of its resources, including staff, finances and facilities.
  4. Staff members are expected to attend campus for the duration of the working week. A staff member's decision to reside at a distance from their base campus does not release them from this expectation. However, in limited circumstances, alternative arrangements may be approved under the Employment Conditions Procedure - Workplace Attendance, provided such arrangements do not have a significant impact on the work of their colleagues, faculty, school, division, section, centre or office, and are cost neutral for the University.

(6) The Employment Conditions Procedure - Workplace Attendance provides a mechanism for consideration of requests to work off campus on a regular and systematic basis. In such cases, a Remote Work Agreement must be completed and approved as outlined in the Employment Conditions Procedure - Workplace Attendance.

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Section 4 - Procedures

(7) Employment Conditions Procedure - Workplace Attendance

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Section 5 - Guidelines

(8) Nil.