Bulletin Board - Review and Comment
Step 1 of 4: Provide comments and feedback
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(1) This procedure supports the Facilities and Premises Policy and: (2) Refer to the Facilities and Premises Policy. (3) This procedure supports the Facilities and Premises Policy. (4) Asbestos on university premises will be managed in accordance with the relevant state and territory acts, regulations and codes of practice. These include: (5) The Chief Operating Officer is responsible for: (6) The Director, Facilities Management is responsible for: (7) The Director, Strategic Infrastructure is responsible for: (8) The Manager, Health Safety and Wellbeing is responsible for: (9) The Campus Facilities Manager is responsible for: (10) The Project Officers, Capital Works are responsible for: (11) Chief Information and Digital Officer is responsible for: (12) Executive Deans/Executive Directors/Band 7 equivalents of organisational units that have non-infrastructure related asbestos or asbestos containing materials under their control: (13) The University's asbestos management plan consists of the following components: (14) The meeting to review the asbestos management plan shall include all members of FM executive and other relevant roles as required. (15) The Manager, Health Safety and Wellbeing is responsible for coordinating the review, minuting and distributing minutes of the meeting. (16) A building asbestos management plan will be developed for each building or group of similar buildings that contain or are suspected of containing asbestos or asbestos containing materials and will include: (17) The building asbestos management plan will be reviewed annually within the University's risk management reporting timelines to ensure that it adequately addresses the management of asbestos at the University. (18) Building asbestos management plans will also be reviewed by the Manager, Health Safety and Wellbeing and with the respective Campus Facilities Manager when: (19) The long term asbestos management plan shall document the decisions and reasons for FM concerning the long term management of asbestos on the campus that has been classified in the asbestos register as: (20) The long-term asbestos management plan shall be reviewed annually. The Director, Facilities Management will advise the Chief Financial Officer of any changes, and the impact or potential impact on the University. (21) The Manager, Health Safety and Wellbeing, is responsible for maintaining the asbestos registers. (22) An asbestos register is required for any buildings or structures constructed prior to the 1st January 2004 unless no asbestos has been identified at the workplace. (23) The asbestos register shall conform to the requirement of the Work Health and Safety Regulation 2017. (24) If no asbestos or asbestos containing material has been identified or is likely not to be present at the workplace, the asbestos register should state that “no asbestos or asbestos containing material has been identified at the workplace”. (25) A copy of the asbestos register shall be made available to any worker or contractor who will be working in areas containing or suspected to contain asbestos. (26) An asbestos register will be required for all property Lessors prior to signing the contract or occupation. (27) The asbestos management plan, including the asbestos register and building asbestos management plan(s) shall be available to: (28) If asbestos or asbestos containing material is in good condition and left undisturbed, it is unlikely that airborne asbestos will be released and the risk to health is extremely low. (29) If asbestos or asbestos containing material has deteriorated, been disturbed, or if asbestos-contaminated dust is present, the likelihood that airborne asbestos will be released into the air is increased. (30) The likelihood of airborne asbestos fibres being released from different types of asbestos containing materials is identified in the diagram in “Appendix 1 -Risk of exposure to airborne fibres from different asbestos containing materials” in Facilities and Premises Schedule - Asbestos Management, taken from the code of practice ‘How to manage and control asbestos in the workplace’. (31) Staff will be provided information on asbestos as part of their induction to the University and building asbestos registers will be available through FMCentral. (32) Staff shall be informed of issues related to asbestos as required by the Manager, Health Safety and Wellbeing (or delegate) in person, via bulletins, emails, newsletters or other suitable means. (33) FM shall ensure the following are advised that asbestos works are to be carried out and the date that work is to commence: (34) Contractors shall successfully complete the University's general Work Health and Safety induction prior to commencing works. The induction will include information on asbestos, its presence, how to report asbestos finds, asbestos signage, the location of registers, surveys and building asbestos management plans and note that works involving asbestos or likely to involve the disturbance of asbestos are classified as 'high risk work' under the Work Health and Safety Regulations. (35) Maintenance, repair and minor works contractors shall receive a copy of a (BEIMS) service request work order request and these work orders will highlight if the building contains asbestos, requiring further review by the contractor prior to works commencing. (36) Construction contractors shall be advised of asbestos via the provision of a hazardous materials survey including the asbestos register during the scoping and prior to the start of works. (37) University staff shall be consulted on the management of asbestos in the workplace via the Health and Safety Committees and elected Health and Safety representatives, including information regarding accidents or incidents related to asbestos exposure and asbestos related works. (38) For information on the University's agreed work health and safety consultation procedures and nominated health and safety representatives refer to the Work Health and Safety Consultation at CSU webpage. (39) University workers whose role involves work with or, work potentially with, or near asbestos containing materials are required to have completed an accredited asbestos awareness course. (40) Other University workers, who may assist or be associated with those in clause 39, should undertake the University's general asbestos awareness online course. (41) Training records for University workers shall be maintained with the Division of People and Culture (DPC) staff records section. (42) Contractors to the University whose work may involve contact with asbestos containing materials are required to have completed an accredited asbestos awareness course and be able to provide evidence prior to commencing works. (43) All workers potentially coming into contact with asbestos as a part of works that may disturb asbestos containing materials shall be trained in a high risk construction work, safe work method statement that addresses the risks and controls related to asbestos. (44) The Manager, Health Safety and Wellbeing will conduct an annual review of the asbestos register and produce an asbestos risk report. The asbestos risk report together with building condition reports shall be used to assess the risk from asbestos to users of and workers in each building. Details of the risk and proposed management of asbestos shall be detailed in FM's asset plan (see also the Risk Management Policy). (45) The long term asbestos management plan shall be reviewed annually. The Director, Facilities Management will advise the Chief Financial Officer of any changes and the impact or potential impact on the University. (46) Where asbestos has been identified in a building/asset, the preferred control method shall be agreed as per FM's Asset Plan. (48) For more information on management options see “Appendix 2 – Control methods for the management of asbestos” in Facilities and Premises Schedule - Asbestos Management. (49) All identified asbestos or asbestos containing material, as listed in the Asbestos Register, shall be clearly labelled as per the requirements of the work health and safety legislation. (50) Labels and label locations shall be reviewed at least every 12 months or as per the requirements of the asbestos register. The review shall be set up as a task in the BEIMS service request system as a maintenance Request. (51) The review shall update the asbestos register and each building asbestos management plan. (52) The process flowchart regarding the engagement of Maintenance Contractors is detailed in “Appendix 3 – Managing asbestos and maintenance contractors” in Facilities and Premises Schedule - Asbestos Management. (53) The Principal Contractor shall provide a work health and safety management plan and asbestos removal management plan to FM that addresses the removal of asbestos. These plans shall be reviewed by FM for adequacy. (54) During the project, the FM Project Officer shall monitor compliance by the Principal Contractor against the project work health and safety management plan and project asbestos management plan. (55) At the completion of the project the principal contractor shall provide FM with an asbestos clearance certificate, air monitoring records and asbestos disposal records. (56) A flow chart of construction process is available in “Appendix 4 – Managing asbestos and construction works” in Facilities and Premises Schedule - Asbestos Management. (57) Workers carrying out licensed asbestos removal work must hold a certification that is relevant to the class of licensed asbestos removal work they will be carrying out. (58) An asbestos clearance certificate must be received by the Project Officer before the building/construction area is reopened. (59) Asbestos waste must be transported and disposed of in accordance with the Environment Protection Authority (EPA) requirements at a site licensed by the EPA. Disposal records must be provided by the contractor to the Project Officer (60) Accidents or incidents involving asbestos, including those where a person has been or believes they have been exposed to asbestos at the University must be reported via the University's Accident, Incident and Hazard Reporting System (Protecht). (61) The Division of People and Culture (DPC) shall ensure health monitoring for workers who handle asbestos is undertaken. (62) Any health monitoring records shall be kept within DPC staff records. (63) A flow chart for the reporting management of asbestos discovery or disturbance on campus is provided in “Appendix 5 – Reporting and Management of Asbestos discovery or disturbance on Campus” in Facilities and Premises Schedule - Asbestos Management. (64) The Campus Facilities Manager shall assume control of the area and implement the necessary actions to secure the area. (65) An emergency situation is most likely to entail the inadvertent disturbance of asbestos by: (66) Emergencies involving asbestos shall be handled as per Appendix 5 - “Reporting and Management of Asbestos discovery or disturbance on Campus” in Facilities and Premises Schedule - Asbestos Management. Any incident or perceived incident must be reported via the University's Accident, Incident and Hazard Reporting System (Protecht). (68) This procedure uses the terms defined in the Facilities and Premises Policy. For the purpose of this procedure, the following terms are also defined:Facilities and Premises Procedure - Asbestos Management
Section 1 - Purpose
Top of PageSection 2 - Policy
Section 3 - Procedures
Regulatory framework
Asbestos management plans
Building asbestos management plans
Long term asbestos management plan
Asbestos registers
Access to the asbestos management plan and asbestos registers
Risk of exposure
Risk management
Management options
Labelling of asbestos containing material
Maintenance contractors
Construction works
Accidents or incidents involving asbestos
Health monitoring
Reporting management of asbestos discovery or disturbance on campus
Emergencies involving asbestos
Section 4 - Guidelines
Top of PageSection 5 - Glossary