Bulletin Board - Review and Comment
Step 1 of 4: Provide comments and feedback
How to make a comment
1. Use the to open a comment box for a specific section, part, heading or clause.
2. Enter your feedback into the comment box and click ‘save comment’.
3. There is an opportunity to leave general comments and feedback on the second page.
4. Complete all three pages – make sure you ‘save and continue’ and ‘finalise submission’ before leaving the bulletin board.
5. You will be emailed a pdf copy of your comments. If you don’t receive this, your comments may not have saved correctly.
Important Information
The following tips will help to avoid losing your comments or corrupting your entries:
Sessions may time out, so submit multiple responses instead of trying to complete a long document in one session.
Avoid jumping between web pages/applications while logging comments.
Log comments for one document at a time. Complete and submit all comments for one document before commenting on another.
Use paste as plain text in the comment boxes if you need to copy and paste from another source (e.g. Word, email or other web content).
You can’t save your progress, so if you need to stop, submit your current set of comments. The system will email you a copy of your comments so you can identify where you were up to and add to them later.
Complete all three stages and ‘finalise submission’ before leaving the bulletin board.
(1) This procedure supports the Protocols Policy and sets out Charles Sturt University's expectations for the management of official visits, including ministerial visitors and international delegation visits. (2) This procedure has the same scope as the Protocols Policy and applies specifically to formal international delegations and ministerial visits. (3) The following are considered out of scope for this procedure: (4) See the following policies: (5) As stated in the Protocols Policy, Communications and Government Relations (CGR) is the primary point of contact with a government representative of Australia or their office, unless otherwise determined by CGR. (6) Charles Sturt University staff considering a visit by an Australian minister or MP, or who have been approached by a minister or MP or their office about the possibility of a visit or meeting, or any request for a minister or MP to attend and/or speak at an event (either on-campus of off-campus) must contact the CGR as soon as possible, with information about: (7) CGR will then determine what information, advice or support is required for the visit, and prepare the relevant documentation in consultation with the other University staff involved. (9) The Head, Communications and Government Relations or their delegate may attend any ministerial or parliamentary visit/meeting. (10) Appropriate follow-up with any government representative or their office following a visit will be coordinated by CGR. (11) Representatives and delegates from current or potential partner organisations will sometimes make official visits to University campuses (e.g. to explore collaborative opportunities or promote joint activities, courtesy calls, signing ceremonies and other approved events). Where these are representatives of or from international partners (international delegates), the visits must be managed as set out in this part so that the correct stakeholders are involved, relevant legislative compliance obligations are met, and to facilitate a smooth and successful experience for all parties. (12) The following table sets out the organisational units that will lead and/or be stakeholders in arrangements to host international delegates, based on the context of the partnership or visit: (13) The lead organisational unit is responsible for: (14) Hosting an international delegation will generally involve University resources such staff time or University spaces and have some financial costs for funding local activities. Accordingly, the following should be considered deciding to host an international delegation: (15) Any organisational unit planning a visit from international delegates must: (16) Approvals and arrangements for hosting an international delegation should commence as early as possible, and generally at least six weeks before the prospective visit date. (17) Subject to clause 18, the Band 7 approval authority of the lead organisational unit will generally assess and approve the request in the first instance, including vetting and due diligence checks and any budget considerations. However, additional approval may also be required: (18) The lead organisational unit will make arrangements for the visit and develop a detailed itinerary, including academic meetings and campus tours. OEE Business Development has templates available. (19) Arrangements include the following (note that Charles Sturt Travel cannot be used to arrange accommodation for international delegates): (20) All hospitality arrangements and activities must comply with the Finance Procedure – Entertainment Expenses, Finance Guidelines – Entertainment, FBT and Private Expenditure, and Fraud and Corruption Control Policy (regarding anti-bribery provisions and legislation). (21) The lead organisational unit will provide a briefing note for all University representatives at least one week prior to the visit. OEE Business Development has templates available. This will include the following: (22) The lead organisational unit will complete the following post-visit activities: (23) Business Development must be advised of all visiting international delegates so they can update the delegation database. This database acts as a shared point of knowledge for stakeholders within the University and can be used for reporting to senior executive leaders. (24) Outcomes and follow-up processes are the responsibility of the head of the lead organisational unit, who must prepare and distribute an allocation of actions to relevant senior executive leaders and the additional organisational units and stakeholders involved in the visit within two weeks. (25) Records for the visit, outcomes and actions must be kept with the partnership records and managed in accordance with the Records Management Policy and Records Management Procedure. (26) OEE Business Development will monitor and ensure compliance with this guide. (28) This procedure uses the terms defined in the Protocols Policy, and further defines the following:Protocols Procedure - Official Visits
Section 1 - Policy
Section 2 - Procedures
Part A - Ministerial visits
Part B - International visitors and guests
Lead Organisational unit
Additional organisational unit/stakeholders
International delegates from existing education partners
Office of Engagement and Enterprise (OEE) Business Development
International delegations from government departments, embassies, or other governmental and public sector entities
International delegations from prospective international partners with the potential for multiple engagement avenues
International delegations from prospective partnerships focused solely on a specific faculty or research initiative
Faculty/Research Institute
Teaching school
International delegations from prospective partnerships focused solely on a specific international student recruitment initiative
International Office
Teaching school/Faculty
Planning visits
Scheduling and organisation of the visit
Briefing prior to visit
Post-visit activities
Records Management
Compliance, Monitoring and Review
Section 3 - Guidelines
Top of PageSection 4 - Glossary